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News :


We made it..... the engine was first started about 12 hours before we had to be at the track in Herning for the first DK pull of the season

Here is some video fra the Herning pull

Truckpower first start season 2010

Pulls from B-division DM i Herning  

2500 kg Modificeret from DM i Herning 

3500 kg Modificeret from DM i Herning 

Prostok DM i Herning

We got a pull of 68.33 meters.... Claus pulled off the gas because the head gasket bew in the right side of the engine. we will pull the engine apart this week and see what damage there is.

Only one tractor other than us made a pull longer than 1 meter and therefore we got a secound place.

See updated pictures here

-- 28/07/09--

Video update from nordisk championship in sweden and Euro Cup in Herning.

HQ Truckpower 2500kg from NM 2009 and EuroCup Herning.

HQ Slædehunden 4500kg from NM 2009 and EuroCup Herning

2500kg Euro Cup in Herning 2009

4500kg Euro Cup in Herning 2009

--14/06/09 --  

Time for an international update…. After some problem with the new bearings we are now running again…. The team was in Egtved and did a pull in the 2500 kg Class…. A nice one ( 94.9 meters ) that would have brought us a fourth place behind Volsom Volvo, Black power and Ghost…. But we where 22 kg heavy and therefore pulled outside the competition….. but what a nice feeling to see the tractor pull again. J

The pull was not without problems… a problem with the reverser and some blown head gaskets… but we are on the right track. :-)

Anders from the team made these recording at Egtved.

Truckpower startup in the pit

Truckpower 2500kg pull Egtved

Slædehunden 4500kg Egtved

--20/03/09 --

Jørgen and Hans Peter are by now experts at grinding valves… after completing the first head a problem was discovered with the reparations that was done after Tjele. We are by now almost finished with the third head and hope to start assembling soon. The new oil filter has been on a diet and looks really good…. It just needs a pressure test. 

Experience from last season tells us we need to tighten the head more often so we are putting a O-ring into the head to avoid messing with silicone all the time. The fixed bearings will be picked up this weekend and the cage should arrive next week… so our hands are full. 

We found an aluminium plate that will work as a light and strong back fender. The data logger gave us some problems last season because of vibrations. A new vibrations damping mount is in the works. Claus and Lars have engineered a new very light reverser design… typically for Truckpower why buy one if you can make it ourselves. 

See updated pictures here…. new pictures are at the end.

--5/02/09 –

It is time for a update. The new oil filters are finished…. They save weight and make it a lot easier to connect our oil hoses. The “banjo” is in place and the hook is about finished. The old “banjo” is for sale so contact Claus if you are interested. We have found a company that can give the bearings a new upper layer. A holder for the bearings is being made to hold the bearing while we work on it.

We have bought new tires 10ply double cut firestone in OK condition…. There is no extra rubber for a new cut but they are a lot better than the old ones. The valves need a polish so we are currently ripping the head apart. We are almost finished designing the new reverser…. light and strong enough.

See updated pictures here the new pictures are at the end of the list. 

Henrik made the poster below as a Christmas present to the Team. The poster shows the history of Team Truckpower.

-- 4/12/08 --

Ok now almost everything on truckpower is taken apart.... it is hard to recognize.

We are creating a new lighter banjo that also should be stronger. We have orded pipes for the new lighter roll cage and the engine has been taken apart. We are again having problems with the bearings but are working on a solution. We are also looking for new tires. 

See updated pictures here or in the window below the newest pictures are at the end of the list.

-- 3/11/08 --

It is about time to get some news online. The indoor pull in Gram is moved to some time in the spring. Truckpower is hard to recognize… the roll cage, reverser and the fenders have been sold… and we are working on lighter versions… we need to find at least 60 kg. 

A while ago Jørgen, Claus and Lars went for a trip to Frederikshavn to look at a German submarine that a junkyard had bought…. And what a surprise…. In the back of the submarine where 2 Mercedes V12 diesel engines that where equipped with the same injection pump that we use. 

So we all went up there again and got the pumps out… that was a fun trip… see pictures from the submarine here.

Here you can follow our hunt for a lighter Truckpower…. There is 4 kg difference on the gears.

-- 17/09/08 -- 

Ok is this season over or what ? 

Bade has welded the hole and we hope to get a change to test it before the season ends. 

There is talk about a indoor pull at Gram…. But lets see when the are ready.






-- 30/08/08 -- 

We have just been pulling at a local dirt pull in Tjele. The result from the pull was 6.5 bars turbo pressure and a very hot engine that started to send flames out the side during the pull. :-(

But we seem to have found the balance in the tractor.... because suddenly the front wheels were up in the air. :-)

You can see a video of the pull here

I made a new gallery with pictures from Hjallerup and Tjele. There is also some pictures of the damage.

See the galleri here.

It only took 1,5 hours to disassemble the right side of the engine.... it is a lot faster with 4 persons working together.... nice :-)

Not so nice with that hole in the aluminium. The iron ring that we use as a head gasket seems to have been leaking and the gasses works like a blow touch at that temperature.

See more pictures here.


-- 26/08/08 --

We moved the engine back 30cm and did another pull at the DM final at Hjalleup.

See movie of the pull here.  

The right side turbo made 6.5 bar turbo pressure.

At the end of the pull the one of the waterpipes broke loos and the engine was drained completely of water.

With the approved Danish sledge we can now pull at some of the local pulls to get some more testing done.

-- 28/07/08 -- 

We finished the build and made it to Herning.

See movie with first test of clutch and gearbox here

See movie of first pull in Herning here.

The tractor has too much weight on the front wheels and we plan to move the engine back to get a better weight balance.


-- 13/07/08 -- 

After some troubleshooting on the injection pumps the engine came alive. :-) Next time we will move the truck and move the tractor outside…. It was suddenly a bit clouded in the workshop :-) but very nice to hear the engine running.

See a video of the startup here.

More pictures have be added to the July gallery.

-- 23/06/08 -- 

The engine is assembled and put in the frame. Oil, diesel and water tanks have found there place. Breaks and gear shifter is done. The truck got a mayor spring clean. We start to see light at the end of the tunnel. :-)

There is now 205 pictures in the picture catalogue for 2008 therefore I have created two new gallery´s.

See 2008 part 1Gallery June and Gallery July.

-- 01/06/08 --

Things are still moving. The intake manifolds are welded and have been pressure tested to 7 bars. The engine is coming together and the front drive pelt for the oil, diesel and water injection is complete.

As you can see on the pictures we are working hard to get out and pull. We hope it will be soon but it is a bit difficult with time schedules we you have to invent solutions all the time. So keep a eye on the homepage to watch our progress.

Updated pictures can be seen here.

-- 20/05/08 --

I went to Aars in the Weekend and brought my video camera with me.

See the video´s here

B-division, SuperStock, Pro Stock, 2500kg, 3500kg, 4500kg.


-- 05/05/08 --

We are working on a new inlet in stainless steel and it is giving us some problem. But that is just typical when you design something new…. It takes some learning to figure out the best way of doing something new. The injectors are also a problem and it now seams that we have to make them our self. The rest is almost only a question of time in the workshop…. We have the parts and “only” need to fit them together.

See the updated pictures catalog here.

-- 21/04/08 --

Things are moving in the shop and we are now 4 in the team.

From the left Hans Peter, Claus, Jørgen and Henrik.

New pictures have again been added to the pile.... see them here.


-- 23/03/08 --

It is a busy Easter and a lot of work is being done on the tractor. The transmission is close to completion. The reverser box is almost finished. The pedal and steering wheel have found there place and I managed to get a picture of Jørgen.

See updated pictures here.


-- 09/03/08 --

Great.... Things are moving in the work shop and the tractor start to take shape.

There are still parts all around the shop.... but now some of them is being but together and start to look like the finished component. There is also a new helping hand in the team. Nice :-)

See updated pictures from 2008 here.


-- 10/02/08 --

Things are moving in the shop again.

See pictures from 2008 here.


-- 13/01/08 --

Claus has just joined the rest of the world an got a internet connection including everything.

So please contact Claus on in the future. 


-- 01/09/07 --

Hey what happened ? Some have asked me if I dropped of the earth….. The homepage is not updated. My reply was that the homepage surly was updated…. There was just no change to the tractor. 

And why not….. well we had to face the fact that we could not make it to the 2007 season. Claus have been work really hard while I was replacing my 28 year old kitchen including floor and ceiling. 

Claus's limited spare time has been used helping the new Danish DTP team Slædehunden that also runs with a V12 Transmash. 

We have just been to EM in Herning and what a great show…. It was very cool and especially the big screen where you could see slow motion runs of the pulls was a great thing. I hope it will be possible to do that another time. 

I also brought my video camera and here you can see some movies from the modified classes: 

Em 2007 2500 kg  only works with Internet Explorer.

Em 2007 3500 kg  only works with Internet Explorer.

Em 2007 4500 kg only works with Internet Explorer.


-- 17/04/07 --

One of the new oil sumps are almost ready. The has pull bar has been out. The mounting brackets for the diesel pumps are being made in aluminium to keep the weight down. The Danfoss pump has been removed from the original tank so that it could be mounted in front of the engine. We are making a large belt drive for the two diesel pumps and a small shared one for the oil pump; diesel feed pump and the Danfoss water pump. If the belt for the oil pump breaks then the diesel feed pump will also stop and we should save the engine from damage. There is not much space in front of engine number 2 but it should be possible to fit the oil, diesel feed and water pump in there somehow. We have made a test with a 100 mm stainless pipe for inlet pipe. But it is a bit big so we are looking for a smaller one. The 2 break calibre is being made from 4 big prices of aluminium to save weight.

See updated pictures here.

-- 28/03/07 --

In the Easter and a week after that we are taking a holiday and getting some work done on the tractor. We have ordered a 6m axle that will be used for all axels on the tractor and we are working on parts for the inlet side.

See updated pictures here.

-- 19/02/07 --
We are working on a new oil pan and a new set of flywheel that will bolt directly to the crankshaft.
See updated pictures here.

--- News mail list ---
Would you like to receive a mail with updates when send a mail to

--- Are you interested in helping out? ---

Then write a mail to with you name and mobile number. Then we will send you a SMS when we are working in the workshop.


Finally we got finished to our open house event…. But it was worth all the work because very close to 200 persons went by our workshop. It is nice to see the interest in our project.

In the excitement of all those people we forgot to take pictures while our workshop was filled with people. The limited pictures of the open house event can be seen here.

The company Danfoss has lent us a Nessie Powerpack that can produce 100 bar pressure using only clean water. The Powerpack will be used for water injection and will be driven directly from the crankshaft. Use this link to read more about Danfoss High-pressure water solutions.

See updated pictures here


Where is Nørmarken 21?..... Using this link will provide a map of the location.

We are working hard to get everything ready for the open work event next Saturday. The two engines have been made shorter and an aluminium plate is mounted for the clutch housing. The tires are on the rimes and a lot of 8mm bolts are inserted to hold it tight. Next on the list is the crankshaft.

See updated Pictures here.


We are inviting everyone to an open workshop Saturday the 27 of January starting at 13.00 on the address nørmarken 21 in the town Gøttrup close to fjerritslev. 

Claus is taking some weeks of work now so there should be a lot of activity in the workshop. 

See updated Pictures here.


After a really annoying lighting strike that fried my computer I am finally able to update the homepage. It have been really busy lately with everything else than the workshop. Therefor there is not so much progress on the Truckpower construction. We have used some energy on trying to locate some spare parts for the engines in Russia but with no luck so far. We have gotten our hands on two more Transmash engines for spare engines.

A sad bit of news is that Haico Klein-Wassink has moved to the southern part of Denmark and therefore has left the team. 


The gearboxes are almost finished.... but they will not be completed before we are done whit most of the milling…. The workshop is filled with metal pieces. We have done some test weighing of many parts of the new tractor. For example the small gearbox will weigh around 42-43 kg. I look like will we just make it into the 2500kg…. But we are not done yet :-).

See more pictures here.


The gearboxes are being assembled, two for 2500 kg and one for 3500 kg. The cage is finally done after some problems. First version of our new datalogger/engine control are done and was tested on Flintstone at the first DM. 

Se more pictures here.


The frame is welled, Gears and high strength aluminium has been brought home and we are working on the two gearboxes and milling the planetary housings.... it takes one full day to mill one of them!

See more pictures here.


Now we are a bit longer and have installed a new lathe and milling cutter.

See updated pictures here.


Now we are on the way.... the frame is tagged together and we have done some work on both the front end and back.

See more pictures here.


The workshop is about filled with all necessary machines and I have fine-tuned the 3d pictures of the new tractor.


The old frame have been sold to the owner of Purple Bitch witch bought the old Scania V8 last year. So the old Truckpower have been rejoined again.



I have added some video from Euro Cup here.

I do not have room for everything I taped so email me if you miss a tractors.


Ok time for yet another update.

We have decided to work on a new tractor that can handle the power of the new engine instead of making a half solution with the old frame. This means that Truckpower will not run this season.

We are working on shorting the engine to make the clutch easier to mount.


I have done some work on the computer and here is the current idea's. We have not decided if we are running with 2 or 3 engines.


We have gathered some things for the new tractor see the pictures here.


When you don't have a working tractor yourself then you better look at some that do work. Therefore we went to the Tractor pull in Aars. I took some video that you can see under video.


Claus got a new job that takes a lot of his spare time. But we finally got the garage finished enough to move Truckpower inside.

See more pictures here.


Things take the time things take… that is true for a lot of things and especially house renovation.

Claus expects to move into the main house around the 10 of february.

The garage still need two ports and a lot of things on the inside…. so the plan about a new tractor is not realistic for the 2005 season.

The plan is to construct a new Transmash engine and run with it in the old frame in the 2005 season. We need to give a hand keeping the 3500 and 4500 kg class alive in Denmark… it is a bit thin with tractor in the classes.

The album with pictures of Claus´s house has been updated… you can see them here.


Ok... It is time for a little update.... the renovation is proceeding fast... the house is hard to recognise with the almost new walls and new windows....on the inside it is almost time for the new kitchen to be installed.

In the old stable one of the walls has been removed.... to make space for two ports into the garage for Truckpower.

See more pictures here


Bad luck... the Bearings are destroyed… and Claus has bought a small old farm that need a big hand before it is usable… so Truckpower are not going to get out and run any more this season… but we will return with a new two engine Truckpower next year…


Updated pictures of the main Connection rod... see them here.


Now we have pulled the engine apart… see the picture here.

What happend in Egtved?

 Well… we believe that the eye of the auxa rod have been pulled out of form or have gotten a weak point when the engine went up to 4200 rpm at a pull last year….

The eye have then gotten more and more deform… until it broke in Egtved…

The reason the piston and the rod have gotten this beaten up is because the 3.5 bar boost pressure has pushed the piston down against the crankshaft and main rod that still rotated with 3000 – 3500 rpm…

Now we have a broken block,  sump, rod, piston, cylinder block,  cylinder and two cylinder heads… the piston have been up and knock on one and a blown cylinder head sealing have remove material from the other….

But luckly the rest of the rods and the crankshaft seems to be ok… and if the bearings are ok then we will use them in the spare engine…. and then will soon be out pulling again…


Hmmm... :-(   

In Egtved we had a major engine failure.. A rod went out on the left side of the engine and it blew the top seal in the right side... the engine is major damaged and we need to pull it completely apart to see what happened.

See pictures of the engine here.

I Was not in Egtved with the video camera so please contact me if you have the pull on video. Contact info is here.


We where at the Roskilde Fair to do some show runs. After the first run we got a flat right tire. We could not seal it because it had been in contact with oil... therefore we bought a new tire from SuperDæk.

See pictures from Roskilde here. See video from Roskilde here.


Then it happened.... we have all along known that when the Transmash engine started running like it is supposed then the transmission would break..... and true enough... we fixed the injector problem and then the engine really showed its potential.... resulting in one destroyed planetary gear. 

In order to make the tractor hold out the season we will reduce the weight to 3500 kg in order to reduce the pressure on the transmission so it does not happen again.

Video recordings of Truckpower, John Deere, Blue Bambino,  Herkules og  Il Tempo Gigante can be  seen here.

See pictures from Aars here


That was the second DM in Hjallerup. If you look on the videos then you can see that the right side of the engine was not running as it was supposed to. We have just tested the diesel injectors and it turned out that 3 in the right side was defect... Luckily we have some spare ones so we are ready for the next DM in Aars new weekend.

Video's from 2 DM in Hjalleup is available 3 with Truckpower and 1 with Voldsome Volvo. 

See then here.


Ok that was the first DM in Herning. We got a 2. Place in 4500 kg and a 5 place in 3500 kg. The regulator is still not working like it is supposed and therefore the engine did not vendt over 2500 rpm.

We hope to have a solution to the regulator problem before the next DM i Hjallerup

There is 4 new video’s from Herning here. 2 with Truckpower, 1 with Starfighter and 1 with Purple Bitch.

There is also some different pictures from Herning.. See the pictures here.


Hmmm it seems there already now is a bit more Power in the new engine than the old one. During a routine inspection of the clutch we saw that the first clutch plate was thorn apart and the next two ones had cracks in them... See pictures here.

To make it more easy to move around with the compressor and all the other stuff we have bought a small old truck and are now modifying it to fit everything on it. See pictures here.

A sleeping department was added to the new truck See updated pictures here.


More pictures of the new truck have been added. Now it really starts to look like a truck again.

The new boxes, wheels and air pistons has been added.

See the new pictures here.


I believe it is time for a little update.

A new truck has been bought to replace the old one. The old Daf has been converted to a pig transport and sold.

The new Truck has been sand blown, painted and changed to better-fit tractorpulling.

See pictures of the truck here.


Danish version added


See pictures from Bryne.

Copyright © 2009 Team Truckpower. All rights reserved