Chapter VI


(Please note: due to the large number of cryillic characters in this section, I have used the closest Latin characters to make converting this section easier)

General Description (Plate 54)
The purpose of the wireless set 9-P is for maintaining radio telephonic communication between the tank section and the separate tanks.

The rod aerial is 4 metres high.

The frequency of the transmitter is 4050 to 5625 (??Hz??) (74 to 53.3 meters).

The range of the set is 18 km on the move and 25 km when stationary.

The Wireless set is designed to work with the intercom sets Tny 3 and Tny 4 BNC. The current supply for the set comes from the 12V circuit and the current supply for the intercom from the transformer -10.

Click for larger view of Plate 54
Plate 54 - Wireless installation 9-P
1. Receiver
2. Transmitter
3. PYH-10 Transformer with filter
4. PYH-30 Transformer with filter
5. Panel
6. Shock-absorbing pad of receiver
7. Shock-absorbing pad for 'transformer
8. Aerial holder
9. Case for rod aerial
10. Spares box.

Main Parts of Wireless Set (Plate 55)
1. Transmitter with shock-absorbing pad.
2. Receiver with shock-absorbing pad.
3. Transformer PyH-30 with filter.
4. Transformer PyH-10 with filter and two cables leading to panels and to receiver.
5. Control panel with feed cable (connecting the 12V circuit) and with telephonic flex (to receiver).
6. Headset with accessories (telephones, throat microphone, flex with forked plug}.
7. Cable connecting the feed plug of the transmitter to the left hand plug of the transformer PyH-30.
8. Cable connecting the middle plug of the panel to the right plug of the transformer PyH-30.
9. Aerial assembly consisting principally of a shock absorber and four equal lengths of rod.
10. Box of spare parts.

Click for larger view of Plate 55
Plate 55 - Wireless Set 9-P

Inspection, Testing and Preparation of the Set
Before using the wireless set it must be tested and prepared.

The main parts of the wireless set as described above must be checked over separately and afterwards the set should be prepared in the following order :-
1. Fit the rod aerial and at the same time test its joints for tightness also test the terminals and leads to the transmitter and receiver for tightness and insulation.
2. Inspect the aerial insulator and clean off mud and dust.
3. Test for tightness the terminals of the leads from the aerial to the terminal "B" on thee panel and the connections between the terminals "A" and "Arl" on the panel of the receiver and transmitter.
4. Test and screw up the thick nut of the contact plugs of the current supply plugs.
5. Check the transformers paying special attention to the travel of the armature, cleanliness of the commutator and the size of the brushes. Replace worn brushes and rub new brushes.
6. Put on headset and see that telephones rest over the ears and that the throat microphone does not press too tightly against the throat.
7. Check the firmness of the transmitter, receiver and control panel. Test the transmitter indicator lamp.
8. Try out the aerial for receiving on three different frequencies.
9. Switch on the receiver and test it on the frequency. Then time (??tune??) the transmitter and reciever with the correct frequency.

1. Raise the lever of the keeper on the transmitter handwheel and set the indicator needle over the ordered frequency then replace the keeper.
2. Set the switch on the panel to "nPII" (Transmit) than start the transformer PyH-30.
3. Set the tumbler switch on the panel to "BKH" and allow the transmitter to warm up for a minute.
4. Unscrew the keeper of the aerial tuning handwheel and by turning the handwheel find the maximum brilliance of the lamp.
5. Set the main switch to "nPM" (Receive) and than tune the receiver.

1. The switch on the panel should be at "BKI" and the change-over switch to "nPM" (for this it is necessary to rotate the transformer PyH-10).
2. Turning the volume control knob with the inscription "TIIWIE-TPOM4C" (soft -loud) through the clock dial graduations up to its step (in half a minute it should be possible to hear a faint noise in the telephone).
3. Set the "HaCTPOHKA" (Tuning) knob of the reciever against the ordered frequency and obtain the boost volume for receiving the signals by slowly turning the knob.
4. By means of the knob "TIIWIE-TPOM4C" (soft -loud) establish the required volume.
5. After carrying out the above actions, the wireless set is fully prepared for use.

Basic Rules for Using the Wireless Set
1. Messages should be transmitted in short, clear and concise words without hurrying.
2. After speaking, quickly move the switch to "nPIIEM" (Receive).
3. Make sure that the throat microphone is correctly secured to the neck.
4. Do not have too great a volume (otherwise the wireless operator will be quickly exhausted and deafened).
5. After communication has ceased it essential to switch off the current supply by means of the tumbler switch.

In T-34 tanks the internal communication system Tny-3 is fitted. In later models Tny-48IIC is fitted.

The purpose of the Tny-3 is for telephonic and signal communication between three of the crew and to link up the commander and wireless operator to the wireless set. It consists of the following instruments :-
1. Tank Commander's set.
2. Wireless operator's set.
}. Driver's set.
4. Three headsets type TrW.
5. Three microphones of type MA (with button).
6. Connecting cable.
7. Set of spares and instruments.

The telephone sets of the commander and driver have similar electrical circuits as well as being interchangeable.

Parts of the intercom set Tny-3
The commander's No.1 set provides. Intercommunication to all the crew and also can be used for receiving and transmitting through the wireless operator's set. On the front of this set is situated a button for calling the driver and wireless operator; here is also fixed red lamp for receiving and calling. On the left there are three plug sockets, the first with three holes for the microphone, the second with two holes is for the telephone and the third with one hole is for the additional microphone prong.

The No.2 set of the wireless operator provides intercom to all the crew and also to link the tank commander to the wireless. On the right it carries three plug sockets, one with three holes for the microphone, the second with one hole is for connecting the additional prong of the microphone and the third with holes for the telephone. Below it has a switch with three positions: "set to self" (PdIHOAI9I Ceb9), "Intercom" (BHyTPCIUdh C6936) and "set to No.1" (PdIINo IIR No.1). On the left there is a metal cover over a plate with six screws to which are secured the cables leading to the wireless set.

The No.3 set of the driver provides intercom to the members of the crew. The arrangement of No.3 set is exactly similar to No.1 set.

1. Switch on the current by means of the tumbler switch on the wireless set panel.
2. Clear signals can be obtained on the wireless operator's set by pressing the button while the switch is in any position, and also on the other sets by engaging and partly or fully disconnecting the telephones and microphones. The sending of signals is indicated by the red lamp on the calling set.
3. For speaking on the telephone, the microphone button must remain pressed.
4. For transmitting and receiving on the wireless set the wireless operator must move his switch to the position "set to self", and to connect the commander to the wireless set he must move the switch to the position "set to No.1". During the transmission over the wireless set, the button must remain pressed.
5. When conversation or communication on the wireless set is finished the button on the microphone must be released.

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